BANG Energy Drops New Sour Ropes Energy Drink
Bang Energy has been in hibernation for quite some time now. Over the past few years, BANG energy has faced several issues, (read more here), and honestly, I did not think the brand would make a comeback. Since Bang Energy went underground, other energy drink companies have soared to the top. Popular brands like Monster, Celsius, and Red Bull are fairly easy to find in vending machines or grocery stores. When I was in college, I don't even think Bang was available to purchase in our cafeteria.
Then, out of the blue, BANG. Bang Energy releases their newest drink to their collection: Sour Ropes. If you are shocked by this news, don't worry you are not the only one. This new drink is said to bring back the "nostalgia" of the original candy ropes we all used to have when we were kids. Sour Ropes consists of the typical: 300mg of caffeine per can, 0 calories, 0 sugars, 0 artificial colors, gluten free, and is vegan. Bang Energy is truly staying true to their brand by keeping the same consistency as their other energy drinks.
If you are wondering what Sour Ropes tastes like, this is what Bang Energy released on their website:
"A sweet & tart mix that brings the nostalgic factor of the original candy ropes. A throwback to when we were young! Bang Energy® Sour Ropes brings an eye-popping sour punch with zero-sugar sweetness that instantly takes you back to your favorite childhood candy. The iconic flavor captured is ideal for any sugar-conscious “kid at heart” needing a smooth pick-me-up and aching to take a stroll down memory lane." (Bang Energy 2025)
Interested in learning more? Watch our video where we taste and review the new Sour Ropes Energy Drink! You can view our video here.