Woke AF Versus Woke AF Black

Woke AF Versus Woke AF Black

Woke AF Versus Woke AF Black

Many of you are probably asking what the difference is between Woke AF and Woke AF Black. Woke AF and Woke AF Black are both high stimulant pre-workouts. Woke AF is a heavy stimulant pre-workout and is an intense version of Bucked Up. If you love a pre-workout that gives you a huge burst of energy that will help you power through the entirety of your workout, provide you with mind-blowing muscle pumps, enhanced mental clarity and focus for incredible mind-muscle connection, Woke AF will deliver every time.

Bucked Up Woke AF is clinically dosed with stimulants like Caffeine Anhydrous, Synephrine HCl, and Dendrobium to help deliver a clean energy burst that will sustain throughout your entire workout (usually will last for about 2 and a half hours) which will allow you to push at the max intensity for your entire workout.

Bucked Up Woke AF is clinically dosed with 6 grams of Citrulline Malate which drastically increases blood flow driving fresh blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the muscles. Other benefits of Citrulline Malate (besides your muscles swelling up, leaving you looking more massive and vascular) are increased muscular endurance and delay the onset of lactic acid which helps you push longer and harder. Woke AF includes 200mg of Alpha GPC for enhanced mental clarity and focus to help with an incredible mind-muscle connections and improved mood. This intense pre-workout also contains 25mg of Actigin to boost V02 max, provide you with a faster recovery, and less muscular soreness.

Bucked Up Woke AF is a high stim pre-workout featuring a very similar formula as Bucked Up with a few changes. First, there is 133mg more caffeine in Woke AF than Bucked Up. Woke AF also features two different ingredients, one being Dendrobium and the other is Synephrine HCl.

So, what is the difference between Woke AF vs Woke AF Black? Woke AF Black is a high stimulant pre-workout that has the same amazing formula as Woke AF, but it adds a powerful duo of Humic and Fulvic Acid. This ingredient is beneficial for the lifter because it increases nutrient absorption for even more natural energy. Plus, this duo will provide detoxification benefits without taking away the vital nutrients and minerals. So if you are into a heavy stimulant pre-workout that provides you with a variety of benefits, definitely check out Woke AF and Woke AF Black!

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Jun 12th 2023 Madison Tong
Madison Tong
Madison has been in the fitness and supplement industry now for almost five years. She prides herself with helping speak about the newest supplements and fitness trends to hit the industry. She loves the outdoors, endurance training and helping other meet their fitness goals.
Madison Tong

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