How Not To Skip Your Workout On Thanksgiving Day

How Not To Skip Your Workout On Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is almost here and everyone knows that Thanksgiving is when people indulge in all the Thanksgiving foods and spend time with their family. Thanksgiving isn't about gift giving, it's about spending time with your friends and family enjoying a delicious feast.

However, Thanksgiving can also be a stressful time for some people, especially those trying to reach their fitness and health goals. Though you will be surrounded by delicious foods, here are some ways to NOT skip your workout on Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Themed 5k

There are so many cities that host a Thanksgiving Day Run, some may call it the Turkey Trot where runners will be able to participate in a 5k. Turkey Trots are usually family oriented as well, so you can bring the whole gang with you before having a Thanksgiving meal.

This would be the perfect workout before your Thanksgiving meal because it is early in the morning and you can get your workout out of the way.

HIIT Workout

Another great workout is a Thanksgiving themed HIIT workout which is High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is short bursts of intense work lasting anywhere from 10-60 seconds followed by a period of active recovery of the same length or longer.

HIIT workouts allow you to do almost any workout you want, plus there is a variety of workouts to choose from. To make it more holiday themed, there are so many Thanksgiving themed HIIT workouts for you and the family to try out. HIIT workouts are another easy and family friendly way to get your exercise in before your Thanksgiving meal.

Thanksgiving Day Workout Classes

If you are not a runner, try out a workout class that various gyms hold the morning of Thanksgiving. Workout classes are another great way of getting your exercise in early in the morning, plus there is a variety to choose from.

Around Illinois, there is a recreation center that holds Zumba classes, yoga classes, cycling classes, and so much more the morning of Thanksgiving. That way you can get your workout in before you feast.

Turkey Day Tabata

Tabata is a type of HIIT that is super quick and can require no gym equipment. Tabata is a mix of cardio and strength which makes it the perfect workout to fit in before your Thanksgiving festivities.

Tabata is flexible where you can make it as long as 16 minutes and as short as 8 minutes. You can do various exercises during this workout which benefits you and what you are wanting to workout.

Thanksgiving Crossfit Workouts

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning workout that is made up of functional movement at a high intensity level. There are so many Thanksgiving themed cross fit workouts that people can do the morning of Thanksgiving.

CrossFit is tough, however you will feel better when you are feasting on your favorite Thanksgiving foods. Plus you can make it a family workout before you go off to your Thanksgiving festivities.


There are a variety of ways to not skip your workout on Thanksgiving Day and most of them are family-oriented, so you can bring the entire family. Have some family fun before feasting on your favorite Thanksgiving foods.

If you really want to get your workout going, check out these pre-workouts and amino energy supplements below:

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Jun 12th 2023 Madison Tong
Madison Tong
Madison has been in the fitness and supplement industry now for almost five years. She prides herself with helping speak about the newest supplements and fitness trends to hit the industry. She loves the outdoors, endurance training and helping other meet their fitness goals.
Madison Tong

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