JST WRK Energy Drink New Flavor | Cream Soda

JST WRK Energy Drink is coming out with a new and unique flavor, introducing Cream Soda. JST WRK energy Drink has been growing and expanding their selection of flavors with the Melon Pop coming out a couple months ago. Now they are coming out with a Cream Soda flavor which is not very common. JST WRK Energy Drink's ingredient profile is pretty simple including B vitamins, taurine, inositol, glucuronolactone, and 200mg of caffeine with zero sugar and calories.

We are so excited to see a Cream Soda flavor energy drink as the last one was from 'Merica Labz and that has been gone for a long time. We are so excited to get our hands on a can!

Mar 5th 2024 Madison Tong
Madison Tong
Madison has been in the fitness and supplement industry now for almost five years. She prides herself with helping speak about the newest supplements and fitness trends to hit the industry. She loves the outdoors, endurance training and helping other meet their fitness goals.
Madison Tong

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